Roadmap 2025 - The Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) of Sonderborg

Sonderborg's Roadmap 2025


Sonderborg municipality has a goal to become CO2 neutral by 2029. In order to track the goal, ProjectZero created key milestones which are being supported with Roadmaps incorporated in the municipal planning as follows:

  • By 2015, CO2 emissions should be reduced by 25% compared to 2007 (Roadmap2015)
  • By 2020, CO2 emissions must be reduced by 50% (Roadmap2020)
  • By 2025, CO2 emissions should be reduced by 75% (Roadmap2025)
  • By 2029, CO2 emissions should be reduced by 100% (Roadmap2029 to be compiled 2023)

Roadmap2025 was compiled using the Integrated Energy Planning approach which follows the Cities4ZERO methodology developed by experts from the SmartEnCity project. The timeline of the Roadmap2025 (IEP) is illustrated in the figure below:

The process started in April 2018 with the approval from the City Council, followed by a scenario workshop where four possible scenarios for the energy transition of the municipality were identified, discussed and one scenario has been chosen by the stakeholders participating in the workshop. The kick-off workshop brought together local stakeholders to work towards a common goal – reaching 75% reduction of carbon emissions by 2025 with the overarching goal to become a CO2 neutral municipality by 2029. The stakeholders were divided in working groups segmented by different sectors (homeowners, housing associations, private rental, business, farming, private transportation, heavy transport, green energy production). The working groups developed ideas, defined actions to work with and implement and initiatives within each of their sectors which formed the basis of the Roadmap2025. The actions proposed by the working groups were discussed and refined at the Midway workshop. The process ended by the formal approval from the Sonderborg City Council in December 2018 and 50 approved initiatives. Currently the Roadmap2025 and its initiatives are under implementation.



  • Improved stakeholder engagement/awareness
  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy
  • Systemic approach
  • Clearly defined short term goal
  • Measuring progress

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